xCrane Basic, xCrane Plus, xCrane Pro
xCrane is one of the best available professional control system for mobile cranes. It offers fast response times and smooth individual controls for each operator. The system is truly compatible with both current and voltage controlled hydraulic valves and a rich I/O set enables it to be interfaced with a variety of sensors, joysticks and third party modules, like radio control, etc.
- Reliability and productivity; The xCrane control system is fast and accurate
- User friendly; The xCrane logical user interface is easy to learn and use
- Low maintenance, compatible with various joysticks
- Built-in diagnostic system minimizes downtime
- Software updates can be easily installed using a USB memory stick
- Proven and reliable solution for harsh outdoor conditions
- One of the most cost-effective solutions on the market
- Additional options at the request of the customer
- Multi-language interface
The “heart” of the xCrane system is TEC152: eight dual-channel propo-module. The system is available with different software versions. xCrane Basic is suitable for more simple crane usage, xCrane Plus and Pro versions offer simultaneous control of multiple functions with a joystick 1 movement. xCrane Basic is available in two sets with a 4-key Technion TDC130 monitor or with Opus A3E touch screen monitor. Plus and Pro versions are available with Opus A3E monitor only. From the side of input devices, all modern 5V signal joysticks are suitable, example from our product program are available: Otto JHM 3D, Caldaro C15 3D, Parker LC6 4D. For outriggers (support legs) or other functions proportional control we have available 1D micro joysticks or rocker type propo knobs. The XCrane system is expandable with a number of different work modules produced by Tehcnion and Hydac.